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Junkfood PR Showcase at Hotel Cafe, Hollywood

Junkfood PR Presents our first client showcase at Hotel Cafe in Hollywood!

Sept. 9th, 7-11pm

Featuring: Jen Rim, Lisa Heller, Wes Chiller, John Lowell Anderson, Casual Vice, Movie Club and Super Space Nation

Photography by Dustin Downing

Sizzle Reel of seven client performances at our first Junkfood PR Showcase at Hotel Cafe, Hollywood.

Jen Rim

Jen Rim

Casual Vice

Casual Vice

Movie Club

Movie Club

Super Space Nation

Super Space Nation

Lisa Heller

Lisa Heller

John Lowell Anderson

John Lowell Anderson

Wes Chiller

Wes Chiller

April 18

Reading Rocking Rainbow Tour - Jessamyn Violet + Movie Club National Tour